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Welfare and Safeguarding

Rutland Sailing Club Safeguarding Policy Statement

Revised June 2024
Next review June 2026

Rutland Sailing Club is committed to safeguarding adults at risk and children taking part in its activities from physical, sexual or emotional harm, neglect or bullying. It is recognised that the safety, welfare and needs of the child are paramount and that any adult at risk or child, irrespective of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual or gender identity or social status, has a right to protection from discrimination and abuse.

Rutland Sailing Club takes all reasonable steps to ensure that, through safe recruitment, appropriate operating procedures and training, it offers a safe and fun environment to children taking part in its events and activities.

For the purposes of this policy anyone under the age of 18 should be considered as a child. All members of the Club should be aware of the policy.

Club Welfare Officers

The Club Welfare Officers are:

  • Caroline Hughes 07787 131698
  • Hilary Painter (Sailability) 07970 718987


Staff and Volunteers

All Welfare Officers and those staff and volunteers who regularly instruct, coach or supervise adults at risk or young people, will be required to apply for an Enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure, with Barred List check if appropriate.

Good Practice

All members of the Club should follow the good practice guidelines set out below and agree to abide by the Club Code of Conduct and the RYA Racing Charter

Those working or volunteering with adults at risk or young people should complete the RYA's Safe and Fun online training course; for details contact a Welfare Officer.

Adults are requested not to enter the showers and changing rooms at times when children are changing before or after junior/youth training or racing. If this is unavoidable it is advised that they are accompanied by another adult.

The Club will seek written consent from parents/carers before taking photos or video of a child at an event or training session or publishing such images. Parents and spectators should be prepared to identify themselves if requested and state their purpose for photography/filming. If the Club publishes images of children, no identifying information other than names will be included. Any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography or the inappropriate use of images should be reported to a Club Welfare Officer.


Anyone who is concerned about a member's welfare, either outside the sport or within the Club, should inform a Club Welfare Officer immediately, in strict confidence. The Club Welfare Officer will follow the agreed procedures for highlighting concern.

Any member of the Club failing to comply with the Safeguarding policy, or any relevant Codes of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action.

Council has approved the documents available below relating to Welfare and Safeguarding.

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Last updated 09:15 on 11 July 2024

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