Check, Clean & Dry Procedure for Visiting Boats

Check, Clean & Dry Procedure for Visiting Ribs, Dinghies & Cruisers
In order to comply with Anglian Waters' byelaws for Rutland Water all visiting boats must:
- BEFORE ARRIVING at Rutland Sailing Club: comply with the CHECK, CLEAN & DRY procedure (see below), and
- BEFORE LEAVING the site: Wash your boat: wash stations are located at the cruiser park, the main gate, and the boatswain's workshop.
The Check - Clean - Dry procedure is as follows:
- CHECK: Check your equipment and clothing for living organisms. Pay particular attention to areas that are damp or hard to inspect.
- CLEAN: Clean and wash all equipment, footwear and clothes thoroughly, use hot water where possible. If you do come across any organisms, leave them at the water body where you found them. (Cleaning & washing must be done away from Rutland Water when visiting the Club)
- DRY: Dry all equipment and clothing some species can live for many days in moist conditions. Make sure you don't transfer water elsewhere.
Visiting boats: Visiting boats will be randomly checked on arrival and if found to be in a condition that causes concern, will not be allowed to be brought on site. All sailors & rib drivers will be expected to sign a statement to confirm that they have Checked, Cleaned and Dried their boats before arriving at RSC. This will be normally included with the race entry form or the rib registration form that must be signed before racing starts.
Ribs: Any ribs that have flooding hulls are not allowed to be brought to the club. Engines should be flushed out with hot water before they are brought to Rutland water.
Launching Trollies/Trailers: Trollies and trailers should not be left in the water for any longer than is necessary to launch & recover the boat
Further information can be found at:
Last updated 11:33 on 29 October 2022